If development paid its fair share, your property tax bill would be 10% lower

Urban Renewal is all about re-development. The individual categories that we choose to list, such as historic, core area multi-unit etc, are all development of one kind or another. We can reasonably argue about the value of this development, but we should also look at what it costs us:

We tally $80 million in taxes diverted to UR plus taxes abated (ie: forgiven) . The TSCC reports the total Multnomah County property tax collected for 2001-02 as $797,880,970 (paper page 27 ). Adding past years taxes totals $822,930,739 ( per email from TSCC).

Had the $80 million not been diverted and abated , it would have been available to contribute to the total, allowing the rest of us to pay $743 million instead of $823 million ($823 million - $80 million = $743 million. $80 million is about 10% of $823 million)

In terms of a home owner's bill (all data approximate):

If your assessed value is

If your tax
was about

If development paid its fair
share, you would have paid

In effect, you paid this much
to give development a free ride

Total County--->

$823 million

$743 million

$80 million







































